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Articles by jfrancis23

Thinking about SELLING on line?

August 12, 2021

You will want these cool resources. Product providers (sources) and On line stores too. Product Supplier ListDownload Top 50 Retail online [...]

Finding Products to Sell

April 10, 2019

Wow. If you are saying you don’t have something to sell, where have you been? Under a ROCK? Man there are kinds of things to sell. Even worst, if you are saying well I don’t have money for inventory. Who said you need money for inventory. Here is a simple plan. Find or make a database. (Facebook, website, instagram, podcast). Match a product to the database.Join affiliate programs that sell those products. Market to the database.Repeat until Rich! Now after that, you might have a few dollars to consider expanding your business. It make a little research to find, develop, private label, or create products (hopefully with your brand). Consider these sources to get inventory: Google. Do a search for manufactures of the product you want. For example, Manufactures of SKIN cream (in location). Or anything you want to make. Access to thousands of products in [...]

Peer to Peer Funding

April 10, 2019

Peer to Peer Lending—Unsecured Loans Many folks starting out in the investing, real estate or business game, often claim they do not have any money, or limited funds. It does take money to build a successful business. Actually, that is far from true. If the deal is good (profitable), someone will come up with the money. A friend, associate, or business partner. All you have to do is look. In fact finding money can be easy. If the deal is great. One outstanding source is Peer to Peer lending. Basically, a group of investors, loans money to another group of investors. Interest rates vary and amounts. But some folks can get a 35k in unsecured capital. They can use for any personal use: loan consolidation, education, real estate, cars, and personal items. After 2007/2008 when money got tight with banks and financial institutions, peer to peer thrived. Companies like Lending Club, Prosper [...]

70 Plus Ways to Make Money online!

April 10, 2019

Just for dropping by, feel free to down load my FREE Ebook, 70 plus ways to make money on line. You will find dozen of great ideas, such as: Build ecommerce stores.Sell products online.Do extra work on line. Become a virtual assistant.Rent your car out.Supply your home to Air b and bSave money with coupons and codesCut life expenses.Provide services to other. And much more. Download [...]

Simple & Effective Websites

April 9, 2019

So you want to make a fortune on the Internet? You can! The Internet is very exciting and dynamic. It kind of reminds me of the gold rush. Everyone seems to flocking to the net with new ideas and products, expecting to cash in big. A few simple ideas, a website and some marketing and soon you can be rich. Perhaps even become a Billionaire. And according to a recent USA Today one half the Billionaires, made their money from the Internet. You can too, if you follow a few well-chosen steps. To make it on the net you must have sound marketing. You must focus on sound  marketing principals and strategies. We will focus on several critical areas for our business success: A functional selling design to our web sites.Dynamic offers and campaigns.Writing powerful ad copy.Targeted email campaigns.Working the [...]

21 Free or Inexpensive Marketing Strategies

April 9, 2019

I was teaching a business workshop recently, and someone asked, If you had a limited budget for marketing what would you do? Well, I have as an entrepreneur, had limited budget a few dozen times, and the following strategies have always served me well. They WORK! Write articles about related information in publications (i.e., web sites, article submission sites, trade journals, newspapers, local papers and professional publications).Contact your local community cable station about a potential program on your product. May cable companies have public access and crying for local programming and shows. In particular if it has a great viewership.Trade your product or service for actual advertising space (radio, television, cable advertising and print advertising will trade). Your products and services have a retail value. Many advertisers, need them. Cut a deal. Trade for free [...]

Keys to Wealth!

April 8, 2019

Ok. This might be a little different than you expect. I am not going to talk about Internet, Marketing, Product, Asset Protection, Taxes, Niche, Funding, or the other 100 things that go into building wealth. I am going to start with a very simple model, that Tony Robbins taught me. And one I follow all the time. Wealth has a syntax. Business has a syntax. Internet has a syntax. A receipt to success and achievement. It is often very simple. Follow this plan. Strategy. Find the strategies to be successful in any discipline. To me this is NOT self discovery. It is not self learning. It means, FIND a MENTOR on that topic. And have them teach and guide with the right strategies. Belief. It is not enough to know the strategy. You must believe they are going to work, and they are going to work for you. You personal beliefs, about money, wealth, business and internet will spur you on to success [...]

18 Considerations for Succes!

April 8, 2019

Here are some for consideration for Success: Enjoy the ride it is over before you know. Make time for: health, family, self, bucket list activities as well as success.Faith leads the way. Faith in god. Faith in self. Faith tomorrow is a brighter day.Dreaming belongs to everyone. Not just the young. In fact it keeps you young.Success requires a time commitment. Commit 2 hours a week.Break the work bondage cycle. Make your money make money.Mentors are worth their weight in Gold. Buy them. Work for them. Surround yourself with them. Be the dumbest person in the group….. But not for long.When you learn you earn. Earning does not happen without the “L”.Put only good gas in the engine. A positive attitude keeps the engine strong.Anger is your worst enemy. It steals your energy and ruins the engine.Desire, determination, and persistence are more important than talent.Let the little [...]

9 Best Offers of all Time!

April 8, 2019

When writing powerful copy, in newsletters, direct email, brochures, ads, or any kind of marketing, it is important to keep in mind a compelling offer! Offers make copy and sales script work. Copy writers and direct marketers have known for years what offers work. You will see “similar” offers in all direct mail, newspaper ads, emails, because they work. If they work use them. OFFER#1: Cash. Any time you can tie a campaign to cash back or cash now you pull a great percentage of the general population. Soup companies do it. Grocery companies do it. Car companies do it. You must do it too! Give a rebate. Give cash back. A coupon for money. Give a check back to people at the end of the year. OFFER#2: Free trials. Free trials work. A free trial of a newsletter. 30 days of free service. The cable company knows this don’t they? Showtime, HBO FREE this weekend or for the next 30 days. [...]

Starting an Internet Business with Limited Funds

April 8, 2019

The Internet is a wonderful opportunity to build a business with limited funds, and products. You can find the products on line, through vendors and affiliate programs. Then it is all marketing and selling. You should consider the following strategies: Strategy: Become an Affiliate for products you purchase anyway. We all buy products all the time. Buy books (or anything) at Amazon? Why not get paid? Buy stuff at Target, or Office Depot? Get paid. Most companies have affiliate programs. Join them, and buy products you would any way. If you spend $1000 a year get 3-15% back! Strategy: Sell Amazon products on dedicated websites, and through social media. Amazon is amazing. They pretty much sell everything. They sell books, toys, music, household goods even groceries. If you can think of a product, it is likely on Amazon. Become an amazon affiliate and get paid to sell products. A great [...]
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